18,500.00₹ 18,500.00₹

Can I Format or Re-Flash the drive? Formatting, and Re-Imaging the drive with non-mikrotik tools (like DD and Fdisk) will destroy your license! Be very careful and contact mikrotik support before doing this. It is not recommended, as mikrotik support might deny your request for a replacement license. For this use MikroTik provided tools Netinstall or CD-install that are freely available from our download page. How many computers can I use the License on? At the same time, the RouterOS license can be used only in one system. The License is bound to the HDD it is installed on, but you have the ability to move the HDD to another computer system. You cannot move the License to another HDD, neither can you format or overwrite the HDD with the RouterOS license. It will be erased from the drive, and you will have to get a new one. If you accidentally removed your license, contact the support team for help. Can I temporary use the HDD for something else, other than RouterOS? As stated above, no. Can I move the license to another HDD ? If your current HDD drive is destroyed, or can no longer be used, it is possible to transfer the license to another HDD. You will have to request a replacement key (see below) which will cost 10$ Must I type the whole key into the router? No, simply copy it and paste into the Telnet window, or License menu in Winbox. Copy license to Telnet Window (or Winbox New Terminal),

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All Quantic user are requested to use our hybrid cloud drive for you project and Data base . We had added new module of cronjob to schedule and optimise your backup .