IP Pool Statistics - MikroTik Script RouterOS
This script will list the used, available, and percent usage of IPs in IP -> Pools in RouterOS.
# List stats for IP -> Pool
# criticalthreshold = output pool display in red if pool used is above this %
# warnthreshold = output pool display in gold if pool used is above this %
:local criticalthreshold 85
:local warnthreshold 70
# Internal processing below...
# ----------------------------------
/ip pool {
:local poolname
:local pooladdresses
:local poolused
:local poolpercent
:local minaddress
:local maxaddress
:local findindex
:local tmpint
:local maxindex
:local line
:put ("IP Pool Statistics")
:put ("------------------")
# Iterate through IP Pools
:foreach p in=[find] do={
:set poolname [get $p name]
:set pooladdresses 0
:set poolused 0
:set line ""
:set line (" " . $poolname)
# Iterate through current pool's IP ranges
:foreach r in=[:toarray [get $p range]] do={
# Get min and max addresses
:set findindex [:find [:tostr $r] "-"]
:if ([:len $findindex] > 0) do={
:set minaddress [:pick [:tostr $r] 0 $findindex]
:set maxaddress [:pick [:tostr $r] ($findindex + 1) [:len [:tostr $r]]]
} else={
:set minaddress [:tostr $r]
:set maxaddress [:tostr $r]
# Convert to array of octets (replace '.' with ',')
:for x from=0 to=([:len [:tostr $minaddress]] - 1) do={
:if ([:pick [:tostr $minaddress] $x ($x + 1)] = ".") do={
:set minaddress ([:pick [:tostr $minaddress] 0 $x] . "," . \
[:pick [:tostr $minaddress] ($x + 1) [:len [:tostr $minaddress]]]) }
:for x from=0 to=([:len [:tostr $maxaddress]] - 1) do={
:if ([:pick [:tostr $maxaddress] $x ($x + 1)] = ".") do={
:set maxaddress ([:pick [:tostr $maxaddress] 0 $x] . "," . \
[:pick [:tostr $maxaddress] ($x + 1) [:len [:tostr $maxaddress]]]) }
# Calculate available addresses for current range
:if ([:len [:toarray $minaddress]] = [:len [:toarray $maxaddress]]) do={
:set maxindex ([:len [:toarray $minaddress]] - 1)
:for x from=$maxindex to=0 step=-1 do={
# Calculate 256^($maxindex - $x)
:set tmpint 1
:if (($maxindex - $x) > 0) do={
:for y from=1 to=($maxindex - $x) do={ :set tmpint (256 * $tmpint) }
:set tmpint ($tmpint * ([:tonum [:pick [:toarray $maxaddress] $x]] - \
[:tonum [:pick [:toarray $minaddress] $x]]) )
:set pooladdresses ($pooladdresses + $tmpint)
# for x
# if len array $minaddress = $maxaddress
# Add current range to total pool's available addresses
:set pooladdresses ($pooladdresses + 1)
# foreach r
# Now, we have the available address for all ranges in this pool
# Get the number of used addresses for this pool
:set poolused [:len [used find pool=[:tostr $poolname]]]
:set poolpercent (($poolused * 100) / $pooladdresses)
# Output information
:set line ([:tostr $line] . " [" . $poolused . "/" . $pooladdresses . "]")
:set line ([:tostr $line] . " " . $poolpercent . " % used")
# Set colored display for used thresholds
:if ( [:tonum $poolpercent] > $criticalthreshold ) do={
:log error ("IP Pool " . $poolname . " is " . $poolpercent . "% full")
:put ([:terminal style varname] . $line)
} else={
:if ( [:tonum $poolpercent] > $warnthreshold ) do={
:log warning ("IP Pool " . $poolname . " is " . $poolpercent . "% full")
:put ([:terminal style syntax-meta] . $line)
} else={
:put ([:terminal style none] . $line)
# foreach p
# /ip pool