This may surprise you... yet your attitude is more crucial than your talent in determining your life success!
How important is attitude in terms of success? Consider Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of the last two centuries. Every time you turn on a light switch, you are witnessing the result of his perseverance in the face of constant failure.
Edison attempted to make his light bulb innovation function 10,000 times but failed each time. He did, however, have this to say about his lack of success. "I did not fail. "I've just discovered 10,000 ways that will not work."
You can learn to have this kind of attitude on life, but it must be intentionally instilled in you.
You can learn to have this kind of attitude on life, but you must intentionally incorporate it into your daily life.
You're probably aware that it takes approximately 21 days to break a habit by replacing it with a new one. If you have recurrent negative ideas about life, you may replace them with a new positive-attitude habit!
Here's a five-step 21-day program for changing a negative attitude into a good one.
1. Take charge of your thoughts.
This is a decision that must be made moment by moment. It will take some time to develop this habit. How are you able to do this? Choose to think uplifting thoughts rather than depressing ones.
You are free to believe whatever you want.
You get to choose what you think, which influences how you feel. Recognize this and focus on good thoughts throughout the day.
You may have to force yourself to discover something nice at first. Consider keeping a journal and recording at least one positive event in your life every day for three weeks. Think on these blessings instead of negative thoughts.
2. Read some motivational literature.
Fill your mind with positive thoughts during this 21-day training cycle. The Bible, the rare diamond of world literature, is the best book of all to read. You'll never know what great outcomes await you from reading it until you open its covers!
3. Concentrate on others.
Make an additional effort to help others over the following 21 days. Focusing on helping others will benefit you more than you realize. If you get affluent but are unsatisfactory in your relationships, you will not be truly prosperous!
So, during your 21-day period of developing your new positive-attitude habit, make an extra effort to focus on others. This allows the butterfly of happiness to land on your shoulder when you least expect it.
4. Attend to your health needs.
It's difficult to stay cheerful when you've disregarded your physical needs. So, during your 21-day attitude retraining period, make an extra effort to consume good, balanced meals.
Not getting enough sleep will also be a huge impediment, so make sure you're getting enough rest. Don't forget to get enough exercise as well. When you're feeling sad, try going for a 30-minute stroll. You'll feel revitalized!
5. Understand contentment
For the next 21 days, concentrate on what you have rather than what you don't. Live in the now and count your blessings.
Try to avoid collecting things in order to keep up with others. This only adds to the anxiousness. Instead, be grateful for what you do have.
Remember that hardship can be a benefit in disguise when going through difficult times. You might gain some valuable things during those trying times, like Thomas Edison did. (I'm sure I have.)
These teachings can lead to certifications that will allow you to assist others in difficult circumstances.
So, don't let your present and future be ruined by negativity. Instead, develop a new habit of maintaining a cheerful mindset. It will take around 21 days to see consistent changes in your thinking, but it will be worth it!
Now, set a start date for your attitude-renewal journey and go for it!
How about right now?
Open your note pad and give it a Goo ❤️☺️☺️☺️☺️