Windows Server 2016 – Reference Notes

Windows Server 2016 – Reference Notes

Filed under: Microsoft Related — Tags:  — Syed Jahanzaib / Pinochio~:) @ 11:27 AM
5 Votes

winhttp service errror

Today when I was trying to enable SNMP feature or adding IIS service, getting above error. This is how I sort it.

Open Registry, navigagte to

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP

Check the the Start Parameter , which maybe set to ‘4’ (disabled)

Change the value to ‘3’ and reboot, then try to add the features, & Insha allah it will work.



1- Start Button Doesn’t Works !

When you click on Start button, it doesn’t popup.

  • Press Windows+RUN , and type

Uncheck following two options,

  1. Show more tiles
  2. Use start full screen


win2016 start button not working.JPG

That’s it !

2- Show icons on Desktop

Right click on Desktop

Select Personalize

Select Themes

On Right Window, Click on Desktop Icon Settings

allow desktop icons on desktop.JPG

If you receive following error

error on desktop icon setting.JPG

then you have to enable following setting in Domain controller default group policy policy, reboot client to take changes immediately or gpupdate /force

policy for runddl32 exec error.JPG



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