
Order Information


  • Languages
  • PHP, HTML, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, SQL, Java, C++, Sass
  • Frameworks
  • CodeIgniter, Laravel, Yii, Kohana, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Knockout (Knockout.js), Angular, Qt
  • Libraries/APIs
  • jQuery, jQuery UI, VK API, React, Node.js, OpenGL ES
  • Paradigms
  • Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Model View Controller (MVC), Functional Programming, Concurrent Programming, Test-driven Development (TDD)
  • Platforms
  • Linux, Windows, Twitter, Shopify, MacOS
  • Other
  • Regular Expressions, Multithreading, Bada
  • Tools
  • Subversion (SVN), Apache, NGINX, Git, IntelliJ, Sublime Text
  • Storage
  • SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, Redis, Memcached


All Quantic user are requested to use our hybrid cloud drive for you project and Data base . We had added new module of cronjob to schedule and optimise your backup .