If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it ! So true
Quick notes for myself: Disclaimer! This is important!
My humble request is that kindly donot consider me as an expert on this stuff, I am NOT certified in anything Mikrotik/Cisco/Linux or Windows. However I have worked with some core networks and I read , research & try stuff all of the time. When you are enslaved by private job & working as one man army, you have to perform many task in which you are not formally trained for. So I am not speaking/posting about stuff I am formerly trained in, I pretty much go with experience and what I have learned on my own. And , If I don’t know something then I read & learn all about it.
So , please don’t hold me/my-postings to be always 100 percent correct. I make mistakes just like everybody else. However – I do my best, learn from my mistakes and try to help others
Maybe this post will help some other novice like me
Syed Jahanzaib
Fortunately this model have nice GUI which supports easy upgrade of firmwares , therefore I used it to upgrade to latest stable build Fuji-16.9.4
This model also have nice GUI which supports easy upgrade of firmwares , therefore I used it to upgrade to latest stable build
OLD version:
1 | WS-C3750E-24TD 12.2(40)SE |
Steps for Upgrade:
First setup new or use existing TFTP server, download the new firmware from
& copy the firmware file (.BIN format) in TFTP root folder. Now from switch console , copy the file from TFTp into switch FLASH
1 | copy tftp: flash: |
It will ask the tftp server IP, and source/destination file name, fill them up as per your local scenario
>Address or name of remote host? <IP_ADDRESS_OF_TFTP_SERVER>
>source filename? <IMAGE_NAME.bin>
>Destination filename? <IMAGE_NAME.bin>
conf t
boot system flash:<IMAGE_NAME.bin>
after this switch will reboot , and new firmware will be overwritten.
New version:
1 | Release 15.0.2-SE11 MD |
With this model, I encountered few issues in upgrading 3850 switch.
- Gibralter 16.12.1 ED : 3850 / Switch was doing reboot in loop with following error
Kernel panic – not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)
- Fuji 16.9.4 MD : 3850 / Switch Port Orange Light issue
With this upgrade , switch booted but all ports lights runed to amber.
- Denali 16.3.9 MD : 3850 / Well tested , worked OK
Therefore I reverted back to to Denali-16.3.9
which worked fine & stable.
Steps for Upgrade:
First setup new or use existing TFTP server, download the new firmware from
>Address or name of remote host? <IP_ADDRESS_OF_TFTP_SERVER> >source filename? <IMAGE_NAME.bin> >Destination filename? <IMAGE_NAME.bin> conf t software install file flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.03.09.SPA.bin new force verbose
after this switch will ask to reload , do so to apply changes
New version:
1 | 16.3.9 |
Recovering from IOS FAILED upgrade on 3850 Switch
after the Gibralter
firmware upgrade , 3850 switch wen into reboot loop.
Kernel panic – not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)
More infor on this issue mentioned here @ https://community.cisco.com/t5/switching/catalyst-c3850-gibraltar-16-12-1-ed/td-p/3907723
After entering recovery mode , I made the situation worsen by deleting some flash files. This is how I recovered from this situation.
from the switch Management port, connect a cable directly to your laptop/desktop & assign any private IP on the system like Install any free TFTP server like SOLARWINDS TFTP Server. copy the stable firmware like DENALI in the tftp root folder.
Now using any terminal tool like putty, connected to switch via CONSOLE port, press MODE button while booting & entered RECOVERY mode. & issued following CMD’s
- flash_init
- mgmt_init
- set IP_ADDR
- set default_router
- emergency-install tftp://
There was another easy method by connecting USB into usb port of switch, but since switch may not recognize most modern usb’s , therefore I had to take a long route of TFTP.
To read in more details , refere following post