Howto power on Vmware Workstation guest machine


Some one asked me howto power on Vmware Workstation guest machine via CLI.  you can use vmrun tool to power on the machine by using target vm guest .vmx file. I decided to write the simple method for my reference too, because I also use it heavily in my virtual lab.

To achieve it, You can create a shortcut on your desktop so that you can quickly start your required workstation base virtual machine by clicking a single icon on your desktop. OR if you want to power it automatically after windows starts, you can create a simple shortcut or batch file and add it windows STARTUP.


You have install vmware workstation in H:\vmware_workstation and your guest vm is in H:\temp_images_ubuntu-proxy , then simply use the following shortcut.

D:\vmware_workstation\vmrun start  D:\vmware_images\ubuntu-proxy\ubuntu.vmx

Tip: vmrun is available in workstation folder.

Also read following for more references.



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