HyperV Manager access denied unable to establish communication

Today I was trying to connect to one of HYPERV virtual server hosted on Microsoft Windows 2008 CORE edition using HyperV manager, I received following error.


hyper-v error

I have connected to this server several times with my workstation, but i guess after upgrading windows, it failed to connect.

To solve it, I did following and it worked perfectly 😉

Goto start / run and type


Open the Component Services node, then the Computers node, then right click on My Computer and click on Properties.
– Click on the COM Security tab.
– Click the Edit Limits button under Access Permissions.
– Enable Remote Access for Anonymous Logon
– Click Apply and OK.

As showed in the image below . . .




Close the Component Services console , Now Try to Start the Hyper-V Manager and connect to your HyperV server.
Hopefuly it will connect this time.



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