netElastic vBNG

For Mikrotik base ISP’s

As most small scale ISP’s are using mikrotik which itslef is very user friendly, & easy to manage even for a beginner admin , it also provides greater level of control/visibility/tracing, But it maxes out on 2000-3000 users (CCR series). Probably Mikrotik is not aimed for enterprise/large level market in terms of features & scalability. I have read that BNG is written from scratch, therefore its scalability is far better. Maybe in coming time, principle will add good visibility in upcoming BNG versions because visibility & controlling is not very good at vBNG. So far as per customer reviews, BNG have outclass mikrotik routers in terms of scalability/CPU resource control . In general ,Mikrotik routers can support 2000-3000 ppp sessions with hurdles, whereas vBNG can support upto 128k sessions (depends on the model & hardware/clustering). Best part of BNG is user modular base pricing.

VBNG is costlier then Mikrotik But cheaper than other big name brands ! It’s worth trying …

What is vBNG

(vBNG) is a high-performance (3rd party proprietary) software (or hardware appliance) router that can run on any server system from any x86 vendor. vBNG supports all common features such as PPPoE and IPoE, subscriber traffic policing and shaping, and CG-NAT. Full routing protocol support includes MPLS, OSPF, BGP, and others.

netElastic vBNG has two main components, the Control Plane (CP) and the Data Plane (DP).
The Data Plane moves packets in and out, applying QoS and other policies along the way. It’s sizing is based on how much bandwidth is needed and uses CPU Cores, network interfaces, and RAM.
The Control Plane communicates with management tools, manages policies, establishes and updates routing tables for the Data Plane, handles AAA and most other functions that aren’t involved with actual packet forwarding. The Control Plane sizing is generally based on the complexity of the use case and number of subscribers expected on the vBNG.

Deployment Options

vBNG can be deployed in several different manners described below.

Host Mode on Bare Metal – Entire vBNG running directly on a server. This is the most common option and uses the least amount of resources, avoiding virtualization layer overhead.
Host Mode in a Virtual Machine – Entire vBNG running in one VM. This is a good option for smaller vBNGs going into environments with existing virtualization capabilities and eliminates the need for a dedicated server


Click on following document link for further elaboration

VBNG Server and VM Sizing for vBNG

vBNG Single Box Test Results:

Server Hardware specs:

  • Dell R730
    64 GB RAM
    12 Cores processor x 2 @ approx 2.4 GHz
    500 GB x 2 HDD (Raid 1)
    2 ports x 2 Ten Gigabit Fibre Network Cards (Bonding 2 Port WAN, 2 Port LAN)

Server Software specs:

  • Centos 7.x on bare metal
    On TOP of centos, virtual machine is created for vBNG

On 2500+ active pppoe users , CPU utilization ratio was under 5%.




vBNG Models/Packages: Redirecting …

Look for following URL to see the feature comparison,

BNG Packages

Case Study:

Harbour Isp Case Study:

Click to access Harbour-ISP-Case-Study.pdf

Adding vBNG DICTIONARY in Freeradius

To add additional/3rd party dictionaries in freeradius, first copy the dictionary file in /usr/share/freeradius folder.

then edit the file DICTIONARY file in /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary

nano /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary

& add the dictionary file location in the end of this file

Example File:

ZAIB #### 15-FEB-2021
#### Add VBNG NETELASTIC support in Freeradius as well
$INCLUDE dictionary.netelastic-2019q3

Save the file & exit the editor. Now Reload the freeradius service

service freeradius reload
service freeradius restart

Freeradius Attributes for vBNG

You can use the following attribute to assign profile on vBNG. this profile example 1Mbprofile must be configured on the vBNG first.

FR3 attribute:

Attribute: NetElastic-Qos-Profile-Name  | Op := | Value 1Mbprofile

Disconnect user on vBNG via Freeradius RADCLIENT

# Send DISCONNECT REQUEST TO NAS FOR SPECIFIC USERS, Modify the parameters as per your local config
echo user-name=USERNAME | radclient -x disconnect SECRET

& in return you should get

Received Disconnect-ACK Id 168 from 192.168.x.x:3799 to 192.168.x.x:43014 length 20

vBNG manuals

vBNG manuals / infor & dictionary files are available at my gdrive , @ following link



SALES Inquiries …

Fro Global:


For Pakistan region, following reseller can be contact @ [you may refer this blog]




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